Artwork for the solo art show called I Just Murdered The Alphabet
If I can give you one advice it would be: “Live for your dreams”.
And of course work, work, and work.
You can not do anything great without a dream, and only hard work allows you to make your dreams come true.
◀ check the complete solo art exhibition.
Medium used: Hand-drawn with silver ink pens on 160g acid free art paper.
Hip-hop punchlines inspiration:
Entre ciel et terre c’est le diable qui tend la main – ORELSAN – Entre Bien Et Mal
Moet drinking marijuana smoking, sweet dweller – NAS – Represent
Cause bitch I’m back – SLIM THUG – I’m Back
Get ready to die, tell God I say “hi” – THE NOTORIOUS B.I.G. – Unbelievable

Character 11 | Original handmade drawing for my solo art exhibition I Just Murdered The Alphabet
Le diable qui me tend la main
This punchline comes from a french hip-hop artists called Orelsan.
It translates as follow :”Between heaven and earth is the devil who reaches out.”
I shake the devil hands every day, right before I punch him in the face.
Then I go back to my artworks. There is nothing he can do about it because I’m not really a religious person.
Hip-hop punchline inspiration:
Entre ciel et terre c’est le diable qui tend la main – ORELSAN – Entre Bien Et Mal
Moet drinking marijuana smoking
This is the fantasy.
People see me during my art exhibitions and they think that my life is really glamorous.
Actually my daily life is not.
The reality is more like Water drinking, chinese noodle eating.
By the way, I live and work on my art from Indonesia. One of the fact bout Indonesia is that the country doesn’t like people using drugs. It could be ok but they put people who smoke ganja in jail, which is not nice for me.
Hip-hop punchline inspiration:
Moet drinking marijuana smoking, sweet dweller – NAS – Represent
Cause bitch I’m back
I never left, but I’m back.
This is how awesome I am.
I do things that you thought were not even possible.
But don’t worry, I’ll show you how you can become a cool person too.
First of all, you need to buy one of my artwork.
Hang it in your living room (bedroom is ok but only if you are a sexy girl).
Call your friends and they will confirm. You became cool…
Hip-hop punchline inspiration:
Cause bitch Im back – SLIM THUG – I’m back
Get ready to die tell God I say hi
Whoever your God is.
Don’t get angry at me. You should know that we are all going to die one day.
Just get ready, and live your life to the fullest.
Death always happens sooner than expected. Avoid future regrets by doing the things you really want to.
Hip-hop punchline inspiration:
Get ready to die tell God I say hi – NOTORIOUS B.I.G. – Unbelievable