Opening of my exhibition in Berlin
Discover the story behind the opening of my solo exhibition in Berlin.
The installation of my exhibition
Bim & Bam! Mega comes for another show during the Berlin edition of the Bread & Butter. While fashionistas talk about thick sausages, I join my friends Brice and Virassamy at Zirkumflex gallery.
On the following days we install a real “device demonstration” (haha) with my solo exhibition featuring a selection of European posters for Bookmark2.
After I finish the installation I do for a walk in the park next to the gallery just to realize that the punks are not dead. What? They are there before my red eyes, laying in the grass (grass hold an important place in this story). All these years they had not disappeared from earth but simply moved to Berlin.

A lot of berliner made it to the opening of my solo art show at Zirkumflex gallery.

Inside view of the Zirkumflex gallery in Berlin during the art event.
Disco-mobile and police
Vroooooom! A three-wheeled vehicle with turntables inserted in the back pulls on the sidewalk? It’s Tingel Tangel‘s mini disco-mobile preparing for the opening. Ph from WAD magazine, the guys from Skunkfunk, or the team of Lamono magazine join me for mad jokes (© Frank Liew) and quality weed. Polizei! Polizei! Jawohl… Police officers want to enjoy the vibe and ask to pose for some pics with the artist. But it is time to end the party and try some German gastronomy (any sausage-shaped food would do it).

Alongside with my solo exhibition was featured artworks on posters by various international artists. The event was called Bookmark 2.

People stayed late in the night for the street party with the music from the infamous Tingel Tangel disco-mobile.

At the end of my solo exhibition, some german policemen joined us.
Discover the Bookmark video by the art gallery:
Voodoo Market report
Last summer my new series of artworks was presented during an art market presented in Berlin, Germany.
From handmade clothes to upcycled jewellery, from burlesque to minimal, from design objects to tattoo…
You could find a little bit of everything (but always in the best quality) in the 2011th edition.
Of course, my artworks were there too, presented by my friends from Zirkumflex gallery.
I wished I was in Germany too, but at the time I was busy preparing my next exhibition in France.

My biggest fan, very focussed on my artwork during Voodoo Market 🙂
Feel free to check the other reports of my 2011 series of international exhibitions:
2011 | LONGING TO BE KNOTTED TOGETHER | Australia / Asia / Europe:
- Melbourne (Federation Square).
- Sydney (China Heights).
- Adelaide (Magazine).
- Jakarta (Salihara).
- Kuala Lumpur (Stussy flagship store).
- Berlin (Zirkumflex).
- Paris (Sergeant Paper).
- Marseille (Atelier National).
Feel free to check the report of my solo exhibition in Jakarta.
Credits of my exhibition in Berlin:
I presented this solo exhibition at ZIRKUMFLEX GALLERY.
I originally posted this report on my Berlin’s exhibition in French language on STREET TEASE.