Here is a small compilation of people showing me some love.
Thank you guys for supporting my art and helping me in promoting my artworks on your media.
For informations about my art and if you want to know more about me, feel free to read my interviews section.
BKRW aka Black Rainbow supports my artworks and my art blog.
Black Rainbow is an extraordinaire digital magazine about extraordinaire products.
They’ve decided to show me some support and love, and so will I do in the future.
Because the people behind Black Rainbow and myself share a common passion.
Day after day we push it hard so your world can be a bit more… extraordinaire.
Great design products, cool art news, and amazing artworks.
This is how we do it baby.
When I was working as an art director for WAD magazine, Jay Smith and I were co-workers, as he used to be the art director for a slick sport publication called Ware.
Jay is now running BKRW like a real talented boss.
Congratulations for the good job!
More about Black Rainbow.
Sixand5 shows me some love, and they support this art blog.
Sixand5 is an online magazine who shows me some love and support.
This great online magazine based in France talks about trends in arts, fashion and urban cultures. They propose a maximum of cool news, and since I am mega cool (my neighbor’s kid think I am), they showed me some spontaneous love.
They decide to add this art blog in the Friend section of their website.
Thank you guys! I appreciate your support. 🙂
Discover the inspiring blog Sixand5.

Mega logo appearing on the Six And 05 website
Abe Lincoln Jr promotes my blog.
Nice post on Abe Lincoln’s blog.
Remain awesome! is an online curated selection of Art, Design, and Underground Culture.
The inspiring website that presents fresh artworks and interesting news is managed by the NYC-based artist called Abe Lincoln Jr.
Thank you Abe for the nice words about my artworks, I really appreciate it.
Read the whole post.