Novum is the number one Graphic Design magazine in Germany.
The German design mag published a 4 pages article on my artworks and my background. Here is a translation of the original text from German to English.
Thank you Novum magazine for the nice article about me and my work as an artist.
Novum magazine
Especially when it comes to designers, it is important to stand out and to develop an individual style.
Easier said than done. Mega is an autodidact illustrator who stands out from the french design scene in his individual way.
Follow your own line is the political and social message you can sense in Mega’s work. The artist has this a certain rebellious and individual attitude. Mega grew up in a boring town in the southwest of France. At the time he spent most of his time with graffiti friends. Under the name of Middle Classes, the kids rebelled against existing norms and stereotypes, but their criticism was not about politic. They challenged the graffiti movement itself, despising B-Boy characters and Wild Style letters. I think I hated graffiti more than I loved it, Mega says today. Mega was influenced by the 3-D scene from Germany and Switzerland. He found more inspiration in graphic design rather than in traditional graffiti magazines. After a couple of years the illustrator moved forward and taught himself how to computer softwares and graphic programs. Eventually he moved to Paris and launched his own fanzines and became an art direction for various design publications.

I tend to be really focussed when I work on my artworks. For this one I was at Sergeant Paper gallery in Paris.
After various jobs as a graphic designer and art director, Mega decided to work as a freelance illustrator. He worked mainly for record labels, magazines and fashion labels. He kept the name Mega, a name with different levels of interpretation. I have a weird sense of humor, says the artist, and find the name Mega to be funny, because it sounds so pretentious. Mega fly effortlessly from drawings to graffiti to vector graphics or typography. The multi-talented artist may be the product of a generation exposed to visual cultures from a very young age. Punk and hip hop influences are mixed with pixel visuals visual and glitter advertising. Mega mixes and resample his influences like a music producer. Urban culture meets mainstream and is interpreted in a unique way, a way that allow him to reach the audience of all the design scenes.